39Friends 14Fans
male Cainta, Philippines
I may not be your typical boy next door.
I may not be a perfect person.

But definitely,
I'm the only guy who can be your true friend. ;-)
Most people say that I'm geek and introvert.
Pero hindi no. Kalog na kalog ako. Hahaha! :-)
DANiboi says
15 years ago
good evening guys!
DANiboi is
15 years ago
now online!
DANiboi is
15 years ago 1
DANiboi is
15 years ago 18
watching "rebel without a cause" :-))
DANiboi shares
15 years ago 1
Sorry Sorry ! (Super Junior)
DANiboi says
15 years ago
good afternoon!
DANiboi loves
15 years ago
K-Pop. hehehe.
DANiboi says
15 years ago
I'm excited for the implementation of EPC. haha!
DANiboi says
15 years ago
good evening guys!!!:-)
DANiboi says
15 years ago
"What is essential is invisible to the eye."