Daisy Dingle
28Friends 3Fans
female Second life
My Granny once told me that if you are confused by what someone is saying, just nod politely and say 'ooh fancy that'.

Daisy Dingle
4 years ago 5
View for my weekend. Hello River Murray. 😊

Daisy Dingle
4 years ago 5
Trump and Melania have tested positive for COVID.
Daisy Dingle
4 years ago
Go and watching ‘octopus my teacher’ on Netflix... it’s lovely and has some amazing under water footage.
Daisy Dingle
4 years ago 6
This is the life. https://images.plurk.com/5Xt7ctF2bspBCpDbtqrLFr.jpg
Daisy Dingle
4 years ago 6
It’s bloody cold!
Daisy Dingle
4 years ago
Apparently it’s very bloody hard to find a nice LITTLE creek for a small garden space. I finally found one that would do the trick and the water is clear/brown and not blue. 😕
Daisy Dingle
4 years ago 15
I’m having trouble with MP. I look up a store and the page appears but there are no items listed. It has happened multiple times for a number of different stores which definitely do exist.

Any ideas?
Daisy Dingle
4 years ago 9
Anyone who has a close contact with a covid patient has to quarantine in a medical hotel in south Australia now. Such an excellent decision.
Daisy Dingle
4 years ago 7
I just threw lights and darks all in the same wash because I am over housework!

Daisy Dingle
4 years ago 2

Keep your eyes peeled whilst out hiking Lo! 😊

Australian woman's disbelief after piece of her fami...