33Friends 12Fans
female Singapore
♥ ''DOREEN is
15 years ago 1
sick :-(
♥ ''DOREEN is
15 years ago 1
sick !! (tears)
♥ ''DOREEN says
15 years ago
miss me ppl :-) (party)
♥ ''DOREEN is
15 years ago
going off , coming back later :-)
♥ ''DOREEN is
15 years ago
playing crazy planets too :-)
♥ ''DOREEN says
15 years ago
she has to go for the cip thing , stupid !! .
♥ ''DOREEN says
15 years ago
u guys make it more worst now .
♥ ''DOREEN says
15 years ago
nat is sick .
♥ ''DOREEN says
15 years ago
she not going to use blogger for the time being , theres is smth wrong w me com ??? or either my blog .
♥ ''DOREEN says
15 years ago
bye :-)