Walter Burns
196Friends 145Fans
male Philadelphia, PA, United States
The Algorithm Killed the Journalist.
Walter Burns says
12 years ago 2
Guess who's back. I guess I sort of missed the place.
Walter Burns says
13 years ago
You aren't the cause of my lack of plurks. It's the godawful web front end and lame iOS apps that make it, well, less worthwhile.
Walter Burns says
13 years ago
Any minute now.
Walter Burns is
13 years ago
Going to hit up I-95S soon for the trek back to Philly. Something tells me the NJ Turnpike might be a smidge busy...
Walter Burns says
13 years ago
Reading Zeitgeist is quick. Even quicker is reading the Zeitgeist Digest.
Walter Burns says
13 years ago 1
It may just be me, but I find these damn Lexus commercials to be really pretentious and make-believe. But feel free to buy me one, though.
Walter Burns says
13 years ago
Have you gotten your copy yet?
Walter Burns says
13 years ago
The Jets just went up a touchdown on the Giants. Now, if this holds to form, millions of Eagles fans will become conflicted.
Walter Burns is
13 years ago
Not quite the sports nut more so than a hometown booster. So it will do my heart well if the Giants lose and the Eagles win today.
Walter Burns says
13 years ago Got your pair yet?