forgot how great plurk was for teaching resources!
good morning plurkers! I am very late for work. Oops! Catch you in the afternoon...
trying mobile plurk. Not too bad.
a new cellphone. I am also plurkrupt. But, I am recommitting to plurk. Maybe I will check out mobile plurking. I miss you people!
you all didn't forget her. I have a lot of plurk to catch up on.
to finish catching up with her internet stuff soon... halfway through all the plurks...
VERY plurkrupt... but back! Tonight will be internet catch up time. Ready... set... go!
funerals and her boss... plurkrupt, but stopping by to try to save the karma. Miss you all!
her karma will disappear when she is gone for 4 days for the funeral. I'll have to try to find a computer along the way! Have fun plurking!