63Friends 64Fans
female North Adams, MA, United States
I am a 28 year old teacher of English Language Learners. I am from a small city in Massachusetts, the smallest in fact! I was a big plurker, then the Karma Pressure got to me! Now, I am back and my pink hair and I are ready to plurk for fun! No press
CraftyGirlFred thinks
16 years ago 3
her grandmother had good company on her journey yesterday:
CraftyGirlFred says
16 years ago 7
RIP Nola Jane Hill
CraftyGirlFred is
16 years ago 2
going to watch Bones again, this time with the best friend. Then, some Mario Kart. Just what the day requires, I do believe!
CraftyGirlFred thinks
16 years ago 8
she is going to completely fall apart as she is at her desk at the end of the day in tears. I'm glad it is Friday, but I wish it was June...
CraftyGirlFred is
16 years ago 4
really looking forward to the weekend... just one more day! Anybody have big plans for the weekend?
CraftyGirlFred is
16 years ago 10
watching last nights Criminal Minds and trying to breathe... holy crap!
CraftyGirlFred is
16 years ago 3
home and has a few minutes to plurk! yay!
CraftyGirlFred is
16 years ago 9
still plurkrupt... but, tomorrow is another day.
CraftyGirlFred is
16 years ago 16
plurkrupt and won't be able to fix that until tonight. Boo... Send some karma my way if you are so inclined. (g_worship)
CraftyGirlFred wishes
16 years ago 5
she could stay home sick tomorrow... I can't though since I know I will miss a few days for the funeral sometime soon. I need...