63Friends 64Fans
female North Adams, MA, United States
I am a 28 year old teacher of English Language Learners. I am from a small city in Massachusetts, the smallest in fact! I was a big plurker, then the Karma Pressure got to me! Now, I am back and my pink hair and I are ready to plurk for fun! No press
CraftyGirlFred is
16 years ago
finally home and wishing she could go to bed already!
CraftyGirlFred is
16 years ago
very very unmotivated to run around today. It hurts... maybe I will be in observation mode today?
CraftyGirlFred is
16 years ago 6
PMSing and has parent open house tonight... great! (s_angry)
CraftyGirlFred is
16 years ago 3
frustrated with a student.... must breathe deeply.. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... and again.
CraftyGirlFred is
16 years ago 2
mad at herself for not getting everything done, but it will get done. Nothing I can do about it now. Good night plurkland! (g_sleeping)
CraftyGirlFred hates
16 years ago 4
running out of ink late at night! Gah! (s_angry)
CraftyGirlFred loves
16 years ago
her plurk friends for the great resources they share! You have all made my night. :-D
CraftyGirlFred wishes
16 years ago 4
she was sure what was her job and what should be somebody else's. Tomorrow it is time to ask for job duty clarifications.
CraftyGirlFred is
16 years ago
very behind in her work. I need motivation and a better work ethic!
CraftyGirlFred is
16 years ago 5
watching the race in Loudon. Her hubby and brother are there. I hope they stayed dry!!!