1Friends 104Fans
female Monterey, CA, United States
All you need to know about me is:I'm engaged to the most wonderful women alive. I'm a hippie at heart.Tall trees make me very happy.I'm a photographer.I work at Walgreens and I love it. California is pretty much the most amazing place ever.
CourtneyLynn feels
15 years ago 1
amazing after her small kinda run
CourtneyLynn loves
15 years ago
that today is the last day she has to wake up early for like a week
CourtneyLynn says
15 years ago
work as always
CourtneyLynn is
15 years ago
tired as hell. but is about to walk to work. 8 to 430
15 years ago
got her time approved at work and if everything works out right should be back in washington end of june for a week
CourtneyLynn needs
15 years ago
to really wake up. work in 30 mins
CourtneyLynn is
15 years ago 1
looking at flight times and prices to come back to washington for a week end of june (cozy)
CourtneyLynn wishes
15 years ago 1
she didn't have to wake up yet.
15 years ago
got her eyebrow pierced today!!! amazinggggg (woot)
CourtneyLynn is
15 years ago
bored at home