1Friends 104Fans
female Monterey, CA, United States
All you need to know about me is:I'm engaged to the most wonderful women alive. I'm a hippie at heart.Tall trees make me very happy.I'm a photographer.I work at Walgreens and I love it. California is pretty much the most amazing place ever.
CourtneyLynn says
15 years ago
today is going to be a good day
CourtneyLynn is
15 years ago
about to talk to her store manager about how much of a dick her assnt manager is
CourtneyLynn is
15 years ago
smoking hookah
CourtneyLynn feels
15 years ago
sick ugh
CourtneyLynn is
15 years ago 1
getting her 4 day weekend damn it
CourtneyLynn is
15 years ago
happy her dad put 50 bucks in her accout for food. and her hands are covered in ink from photo lab at work
CourtneyLynn is
15 years ago
up to early...why can't it be wednesday. my day off.
CourtneyLynn is
15 years ago
at work till 12
CourtneyLynn feels
15 years ago
amazing knowing I have been with kelly for 6 months the most amazing 6 months of my life
15 years ago
just got done cleaning the whole apt. now is watching tv. waiting for kelly to come home (dance)