Reminding Gianna or My fellow sisters for the another Decorations and suggestions. or myself can do the decorating. *smirks*
Heard that today's the birthday of Young Renesmee. Happy birthday. Young one, you had a gift.
We would never Discriminate with our Feasts.
I simply love to see "people" suffer. It amazes me how fast they pull their God cards! It fascinates me!
Stepping in a best bad side is very very unecessary, and that is a very very great thing that i did.
I'm off to Dungeons, Uh, i so much miss Heidi's fishes & guest's preserved Blood, but i'd like the fresh one, so another someone to torture.
it is extremely overwhelming to know how great are kind is.
Bon Giorno, i am so thirsty, feasty mood. *sniffles around*
if you learned one thing from a bad choice then it was worth it. *sighs*