1Friends 5Fans
female NY, United States
Not even a billion words can describe me, but one thing is for sure, I know how to live ;-)
13SocialiteK says
11 years ago
I forgot about the boy from highschool. My problem right now is that I can't forget about the boy from first year college.
13SocialiteK says
11 years ago
You're so fucking happy about this, arent you?
13SocialiteK says
11 years ago
i cant get over the boy who broke my heart last year. And it doesnt help that he's dating the roommate of the girl I dislike.
13SocialiteK says
11 years ago 1
a lot can happen in a year.
13SocialiteK says
11 years ago
I just wanna forget about the past and see love as if I've never been broken.
13SocialiteK says
12 years ago
This is the 3rd time I've said that our story is over. I've told you that we shouldn't talk anymore, but that has never stopped you in the past. Will this be it? Will you never come back again? I hope so.
13SocialiteK says
12 years ago
I guess God just had to give me one last temptation. Thankfully my friend snapped me back to reality....and now our story is over. For good, this time. I hope.
13SocialiteK says
12 years ago
My plurks go all the way back to sophomore year. I'm a 1st year college student now... and I want different things now than I did back in highschool.....and that includes you. I don't want you anymore. (wave)
13SocialiteK says
12 years ago
1 big fight and 10 months of no talking later... and I finally get what I've always wanted throughout highschool. But that's just it--- wantED. past-tense. All of this is just a little too late.
13SocialiteK says
12 years ago
you taught me how to drive, taught me what it means to fall for a friend, but I'm hoping you won't teach me what it really means to miss someone. :-(