80Friends 40Fans
male Detroit, MI, United States
Keeping the World Connected one Geek at a Time ;-)
ConnectedGeek says
14 years ago
QUESTION: What is the average number of computers in the World/US that will get a virus within the next second? Please let me kno
ConnectedGeek says
14 years ago
I completely disagree with this list "The Best Sci-Fi TV Shows Of All Time": WDIV
ConnectedGeek says
14 years ago
LOOK OUT... I am going in... it's time again, to reload my laptop :-( This time, Windows 7 64 Bit, wish me luck!!
ConnectedGeek says
14 years ago
UPDATED: Computer / Internet Security Class / Seminar / Workshop - Thanks for checking it out!
ConnectedGeek says
15 years ago
Still watching (500) Days of Summer... I like it and the music is awesome sheandhim therealzooeyd Zooey ROCKS!!
ConnectedGeek says
15 years ago
Still watching (500) Days of Summer... I like it and the music is awesome sheandhim zooeydeschanel
ConnectedGeek says
15 years ago
Check out my friends website: she has some great saving ideas!
ConnectedGeek says
15 years ago
Computer / Internet Security Class / Seminar / Workshop coming next month, check out the information here:
ConnectedGeek says
15 years ago
At the Motor City Festival of Band! Awesome!!
ConnectedGeek says
15 years ago
Facebook is blocking all of your friends' newsfeeds except the 250 they randomly choose. To Undo, From HOME page, select MOST RECE