10Friends 16Fans
male Victoria, BC, Canada
Web Developer and SEO specializing in search-friendly architecture.
ColinCochrane is
16 years ago
off to bed.
ColinCochrane is
16 years ago
plurking. What!?
ColinCochrane has
16 years ago
a headache...again.
ColinCochrane is
16 years ago
wondering why there are mystery bagpipes playing in the distance.
ColinCochrane is
16 years ago
off to bed. Night all! :-o
ColinCochrane is
16 years ago
enjoying the end of a long week.
ColinCochrane is
16 years ago 1
actually awake and not sick.
ColinCochrane is
16 years ago
at work, and still feeling like crap.
ColinCochrane is
16 years ago
feeling like crap and severely overtired.
ColinCochrane asks
16 years ago
how do you feel about SEOs who lack a basic understanding of web development fundamentals (web-server basics, HTTP, etc...)?