11Friends 16Fans
male Frisco, TX, United States
Returning to SL and Plurk after a break. Nice to be back. :-)
ClyntEasterwood says
15 years ago
Good Morning. A new week...let's make it a good one. :-)
ClyntEasterwood hates
15 years ago
getting up for early meetings and having key people not attend. No way to start a day!! (angry)
ClyntEasterwood says
15 years ago 1
Good morni...oh wait...Good Afternoon Plurkers!! ;-)
ClyntEasterwood says
15 years ago 2
TGIF everyone. :-D
ClyntEasterwood says
15 years ago 1
goodnight everyone... (:
ClyntEasterwood likes
15 years ago
Thursdays because they are the new Friday... (LOL)
ClyntEasterwood says
15 years ago
I have a new blog post... clynteasterwood.blogspot... B-)
ClyntEasterwood is
15 years ago 1
happy he had a day where is karma didnt go down!!! :-) (dance)
ClyntEasterwood says
15 years ago 1
Good Morning Plurkers 8-)
ClyntEasterwood has
15 years ago 1
a new bog post. clynteasterwood.blogspot...