Baron Esper
11Friends 1Fans
Brownwood, TX, United States
Baron Esper
8 years ago 12
[meme] What does your character hate about mine?
Baron Esper
9 years ago 2
[Bravely Default] Anybody on here play? I'd like to form some ablinks later so that I don't have to just rely on the robots the game provides me for placeholder friends
Baron Esper
9 years ago 6
why did plurk suddenly decide it needed to look like ass
Baron Esper
9 years ago 185
Welp, time to devour Fire Emblem fanfiction while I have some downtime
Baron Esper
9 years ago 1
[Pottermore] Hmm, I can either reclaim my old profile or start anew
Baron Esper
9 years ago 4
Guess who just got a piece of pecan pie for being a nice guy?
Baron Esper
9 years ago 4
[utter nonsense] Imagine if company executives had to dress like their mascots
Baron Esper
9 years ago 21
[Fallen London] So, which Master would you be most likely to take to bed with you?
Baron Esper
9 years ago 6
[Fallen London] It's been weeks and I am still reeling over the fact that I was involved in mediating a divorce for cats