Chat Suspecte
100Friends 41Fans
female Overland Park, KS, United States
suburban hausfrau of a certain age with a lip balm obsession bordering on fetishism and a snarky disposition. might be a socialist at heart.

extra snark, no charge!
Chat Suspecte
7 years ago
making a yakisoba flavored cabbbage & kale soup...because I need to use up the veg, heh
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7 years ago
am making bratwurst burgers & a green salad for dinner
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7 years ago
making a quick & dirty roasted chicken yakisoba for lunch
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7 years ago
TIL that yelling over your opponent is essential to a debate.
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7 years ago
just found out that something I have had my whole life that I thought was just my quirky nightmares is actually sleep paralysis
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7 years ago
the three fictional characters I chose to describe myself are:
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7 years ago
Purple dragon tongue beans, strung and hung to dry.