I'm sorry that I'm sensitive. I get hurt too easily.
I'm sorry that life isn't fair for you.
I'm sorry for wasting your time. 18 and a half years' time.
I'm sorry for wasting your money.
I'm sorry that I only know how to study, and yet I don't get very good results. I'm sorry I'm not good enough.
I'm sorry, that I'm so worthless I can't even work and study at the same time to help you.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry you had me. I'm sorry you're disappointed that I'm yours. Just because, I'm not good enough. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for all the things I've done for you, cuz I know, they're all not good enough.
When I'm the ONLY ONE there for you.. I'm still not good enough. I'm sorry I'm below your expectations.