I can't remember your face now. But the next time I see you, I'll try to keep it in my head.
Have I dreamt about you? Have we met in our dreams? Why do you look so familiar?
Felt like I've known you for a very long time. It doesn't make any sense because I don't even know who you are.
That stare. That very, very familiar stare.. Who are you?
我出去的时候尽力不乱花钱,所以每一次都没买新衣,新鞋... 她今天一直骂我,问我为什么不买新鞋,鞋快要坏了。我舍不得。你把我搞成这样了。你开心了吧。够了啦。
all of a sudden, I'm tired. Of what, I have yet to know.