14Friends 29Fans
male Second life
I joined the Second Life virtual world at the end of 2003. I'm not inworld much these days, but I'm still interested in Second Life.

I'm seeking local or online work. I can write a sentence and solve simple word problems.

I designed signs and
ChuckBaggett says
13 years ago
Anti-corruption campaigns can be used by one faction of the elite to eliminate another faction. Be wary of changes supported by rulers.
ChuckBaggett says
13 years ago
Some anarchists can't tell the difference between having an opinion, or making an observation about human nature, and a call for violence.
ChuckBaggett says
13 years ago
speed buttons for texting: yes, no, WTF, when, what, where, how much, .....what else would be good buttons to speed up texting?
ChuckBaggett says
13 years ago
The Libertarian Party should find a former Democratic Party politician to be a Vice Pres for Gary Johnson. The LP having bipartisan support!
ChuckBaggett says
13 years ago
Italian police monitoring indivual web use in great detail
ChuckBaggett says
13 years ago
There's a difference between asking people to love you for what you do and wanting to live in a socaety where you aren't assaulted for it.
ChuckBaggett says
13 years ago
Could you transmit internet data in fluid filled pipes with sound waves? Any silly people done that?
ChuckBaggett says
13 years ago
The porno fluid in the internet pipes flows right next to the other digital liquids, from Dora the Explorer to the Oral Roberts web site.
ChuckBaggett says
13 years ago
Join the Global Automobile Driving Suicide Bombers Union in their tireless efforts to halt self driving car research!
ChuckBaggett says
13 years ago
When the self driving cars are perfected, will it put automobile based suicide bombers out of business? More jobs lost to automation.