Wacky G ♥
33Friends 3Fans
female Singapore
My name is S-H-A-N-I-C-E, so put it in that big head of yours, k? XD.

Do NOT copy me of ANYTHING !
LittleFailuree to the rescuee!
Wacky G ♥
15 years ago
you're walking by and I trip on my furniture . <33
Wacky G ♥
15 years ago
gtg , bb .
Wacky G ♥
15 years ago
eating Toblerone !
Wacky G ♥
15 years ago 5
whats your fave song ?
Wacky G ♥
15 years ago
no one else plurking ? sad-ed . ]:
Wacky G ♥
15 years ago
*breathe in , breathe out* must relax , feeling damn angry now .
Wacky G ♥
15 years ago 2
who likes dancing ?
Wacky G ♥
15 years ago
Walau , QUIT copying me larh ! Understand what DO NOT means anot ?
Wacky G ♥
15 years ago 4
you look so classic , fantastic , when you're on that floor . <33
Wacky G ♥
15 years ago 6
DONE ! www.x-littlefailure.blog... tag and link !