60Friends 90Fans
female Myrtle Beach, SC, United States
I'm 25
I live in SC
I love meeting new people
I love dancing
I love shopping
I love swimming
I love traveling
I love Going out
I love being Random
I love going to the beach
I love my family & friends
I love life & being hap
15 years ago
Family Guy - Ms Pacman Rage
CherrySmith is
15 years ago
drinking a sugar-free redbull hoping it gives me the energy to go do some cardio so I can fit in a pretty dress by step sister's wedding!!!
15 years ago
kinda wish I had a job where I had to dress up pretty everyday....I think my wardrobe would be nicer if I had to.... (thinking)
15 years ago 4
morning morning morning (wave)
CherrySmith is
15 years ago
snacky todayyyyyyyy.
15 years ago kissing the cheek of a freshly shaved face mmmmmmmmm!! (heart_beat) (haha)
CherrySmith wants
15 years ago
something but doesn't know what i want.....
15 years ago
WHY is it sooooooo hard to upload more than TWO pictures at a time on FACEBOOK!?!??! I mean, damn come.on.
15 years ago 2
i need to wake up.....
CherrySmith is
15 years ago 4
stuffy but doesn't want to take Claritin this late bc it always makes me AWAKE and Hyper....:-(