6Friends 17Fans
female Harrisburg, PA, United States
Picture from Second Life.

Chelsie loves to dance and meet new people. She's unpredictible and fun. She works 2 jobs in SL and is an elder with a vampire clan. Recently developed a gambling and fishing addiction.
ChelsieL says
15 years ago 4
Oh no my Karma is falling... does that mean i'm less cool? (woot)
ChelsieL says
15 years ago 1
Holiday party at work I'm preparing to overeat
ChelsieL says
15 years ago
coffee coffee where fore art thou???
ChelsieL says
15 years ago 1
Friday! Payday!!! Now should I do xmas shopping???
ChelsieL says
15 years ago 1
BIS class this semester... not a BS class.
ChelsieL says
15 years ago 3
I have to get my karma up... i want other emoticons.... (woot)
ChelsieL says
15 years ago
1/2 inch of snow and 5" of rain... messy
ChelsieL says
15 years ago
mmmmmm coffee goooooood.... who has the donuts?
ChelsieL says
15 years ago 1
good morning world!!!
ChelsieL says
15 years ago 1
It's Friday!!!!! (dance)