23Friends 14Fans
female Flora Vista, NM, United States
Lives in Flora Vista, NM. Attends ASU. Loves reading!
12 years ago 5
Had a table last night do a dine and dash. My service partner knew one of the girls though, so my manager called the police.
Chuck9 is
12 years ago 9
going on a picnic with the babies before work. Have a great day all!
12 years ago 10
wrote a poem! The last poem that I finished was in Kiwi's class before I moved to AZ.
Chuck9 says
12 years ago 3
VACATION! Here I come!! (dance)
Chuck9 asks
12 years ago 2
If God is love personified, then is all love a form of God? And if so, then is the reason we seek to love because we are subconsciously
Chuck9 has
12 years ago 4
9 days and counting!!!
Chuck9 has
12 years ago 8
to get a new phone. My old one is frozen about 88% of the time.
Chuck9 says
12 years ago 4
whelp, I'm off to put more books on my shelf, to take a walk with my dog, and to not, I repeat NOT buy anything else from
Chuck9 says
12 years ago 6
Hello Plurkers. (wave)
Chuck9 thinks
12 years ago 8
she is getting back into the school mind-frame. Finally!