17Friends 19Fans
female Charlottesville, VA, United States
I'm a happy gal with a great husband and two crazy girl-pups. We're always on the go!
Chanknits says
15 years ago 4
sometimes, you just have to take a hint.
Chanknits wants
15 years ago 3
a house elf to pack for me. At least I get to use the new luggage. (haha)
Chanknits needs
15 years ago
a nap. Then, I'll take on the evening. (sleeping)
Chanknits hopes
15 years ago 2
the Knight will go get Gretchen's ear medicine so I don't have to!
Chanknits says
15 years ago 1
sweet, WARM dreams! (:
Chanknits says
15 years ago
one more night of long meetings... :-&
Chanknits says
15 years ago 1
having my dog(s) at the office makes it impossible to be in a bad mood! (cozy)
Chanknits is
15 years ago
very crabby. VERY.
Chanknits wonders
15 years ago 2
why meetings with mostly men last SO much longer?!
Chanknits loves
15 years ago
that pets can totally refresh your outlook on the day! (heart)