7Friends 10Fans
female Amersfoort, Netherlands
Hiiii Plurk!!

I am Celesta, 23, from Rotterdam but i live near Amersfoort now with my bf.
I work at a phonestore in Amersfoort.
And uhm...yeah.

Celesta is
16 years ago 1
home again. Work was fun though i'm still sick. But nobody at my work knows anything about that :-)
Celesta is
16 years ago 2
off to work. Bluh :-(
Celesta is
16 years ago 1
feeling a tiny bit better. Even cleaned a bit and did the dishes. Now i'm going to eat and sit under the blankies!:-)
Celesta is
16 years ago 3
glad it's weekend. I'm really feeling sick now :-(
Celesta loves
16 years ago 2
Tori Amos. And her version of 'have yourself a merry little christmas', though christmas is far away :-P have yourself a merry little christmas
Celesta thinks
16 years ago
it was a bad idea to listen to sad songs :-(
Celesta says
16 years ago 2
Weekend!waiting on the bus at Zeist.my feet kill me and i hate having the flu.no games in concert for me tonight :-(
Celesta is
16 years ago
going to bed. Nn! :-)
Celesta has
16 years ago
cooked for herself. Is playing some wrath of the lich king now :-)
16 years ago 5
weer naar huis. Zat net in een bus vol bizarre mensen. Nu wachten op de bus naar leusden. En het is zo koud! Brrr!