74Friends 19Fans
female Manila, Philippines
14 years ago 9
DON'T FORGET! ADMU- DLSU SWAP tomorrow! Drop by SS Conference Room 1&2 (8:30-12:00) and SS Conference Room 3&4 (12:00-4:30) to help out :-D
Celadon says
14 years ago 17
Celadon wants
14 years ago 3
to congratulate the website team! No, the website still isn't up, but SUCH GREAT PROGRESS! :-D
14 years ago 9
and Chinoy needs YOU! i26.tinypic.com/mjuvrk.j... To apply, submit to [email protected] your name, year & course and the following:
Celadon is
14 years ago 10
excited to meet new members today! (woot)
Celadon says
14 years ago 4
Celadon Ball todaaaaaayyy!!!
Celadon will
14 years ago 33
see YOU at Celadon Ball 2010 Pyrotechnics TOMORROW at VV6! :-D (woot) i108.photobucket.com/alb...
Celadon says
15 years ago 11
Once a Celadonean, Always a Celadonean. Congratulations Batch 2010!
15 years ago 6
Do you have passion for Celadon? Visions for Celadon? Love for Celadon? Then apply and become a manager! :-D https://images.plurk.com/3239656_212b5178db7d3aa2b7f79b907cfa5d46.jpg