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female Haidian, China
8 years ago
8 years ago
You asked me why, why I wasn't touched or moved a little bit. I guess, maybe, because I don't fucking care? You asked me about my thoughts, to be honest, I feel nothing. My heart is like a unweeded garden.
西門雪珊 正在
8 years ago
Why am i not as smart as my classmates I hate English and i hate Chinese languages and people. I hate cantonese 4 i can't F understand if they were laughing. wanna learn GERMAN but my eng is still a bloody shit
西門雪珊 正在
8 years ago
screw you motherfucker! I hate you so much -- don't worry about that for i hate myself more. Why im so lazy, why can't i just do what i want and achieve my dream? Why I'm so bad and…make others so disappointed
8 years ago
默默的給好多人都寫了賀卡卻沒送出去的感覺好差啊,就好像我是一個跳樑小丑而其他人只是冷眼旁觀。Feel like a shit
8 years ago
回家!London Heathrow去Beijing(x)根本忍不住啊(x)已經到處約吃飯了
西門雪珊 正在
8 years ago
啊啊啊啊還有一週就可以回家了好開心,今天早上起來的時候一時以為自己在北京家裡的床上……還認為了好久閉著眼睛幸福的睡覺……結果一睜眼發現自己在腐國宿舍小不啦嘰的床上起晚了……當時心裡的感覺不是臥槽可以描述的QAQ「Lord I'm five hundred miles away from home…Five hundred miles, five hundred miles……」
8 years ago
Try to make myself useful -- every time I want to make a new friend, I always think"I feel so boring, need him". Yet I must give others what they want, otherwise no on want to play with me. Don't be so selfish
8 years ago
I'm "the Inbetweeners" -- sarcasm, isn't? LOL I always fell that I can play with both side, the fact is I can get on well with no side. They hate me and I fucking hate them. I fucking hate my life the most.
8 years ago
Please, I wanna be a someone, not fucking "nobody". I hope when I left this school, at least someone could remember me. Not like a ash in the dark, no one cares. I wanna get rid of it, but I can't.