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male Philippines
but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
Carloboy says
15 years ago 7
thesis' still not over..haaay.. (dance) Ayun lang. Prays that disciples will go to LTI. Nagaalangan pa kasi... (unsure)
Carloboy has
15 years ago
just plurked again..haha! discipline...
Carloboy has
15 years ago 7
submitted complete version of thesis. Ack! i forgot to thank da dancing banana squad! booo...
Carloboy will
15 years ago 4
go to UP now. Papagawa na ko ng thesis cover! yey! Thank you Lord! Thank you din at walang ulan, makakapagbike ako! yey! (dance)
Carloboy will
15 years ago 4
be doing thesis...thesis....thesis.... (tears)
Carloboy wants
15 years ago 4
a hydration belt, then an extra padded super wide guitar strap (bye)
Carloboy is
15 years ago 12
done watching Heroes ep.5: ayan, mas malinaw na ang mga pangyayari. :-)
Carloboy says
15 years ago 1
ayun oh, Download Complete...
Carloboy says
15 years ago 4
5 minutes to go before Heroes ep.5...pero da ofis just called, may INC pa raw ako 3 years ago!!! (dance) (annoyed)
Carloboy says
15 years ago 7
may Heroes ep.5 na!