Remind myself to cool down when tutoring my girl.
Planning a day trip for Dragon Boat Festival while I sort of forget my hair do appointment on the day.
Kids final is coming, I soon become full time busy mama again.
原來我們都有機會成為魯夫 大家都不經意的在攝取惡魔果實 只是看了半天不知政府究竟可以如何嚴懲這惡魔果實的供應商 政府賺飽廠商的罰金後 消費者除了退費外 那些吃下肚的和提不出確切健康影響證據的 該如何求償~~~ (不會又要無疾而終了吧~~)
Just prepared fresh pine applw, apple and tomato juice for today's breakfast.