Since we're all doing it. My hometown: Middlesbrough, Cleveland
At 5:00 today, Belle, the catface, passed away at the vets. She's forever peaceful on the rainbow bridge with the companion she grew up with. God speed, fluffball
Dear LAQ Decor. Pretty sure you didn't need to add a specular map to wallpaper.
For those of you who recall my cat having a stroke, several months ago. It happened again sometime in the last few hours. She's eating, drinking, playing and moving under her own steam still
TMYK! It snows metal on venus. Incoming metallica lawsuit!
So. Thor 2. Just got back from seeing it and i can't decide if disney are being REALLY lazy or subtly clever. I noticed Malekiths ship was using the sound effects from the pod racers in The Phantom Menace

Pretty much my life