29Friends 13Fans
female Virgin Islands (U.S.)
Love or hate me,my life still goes on.
CandyLoh is
14 years ago
going to iron clothes now. Alot to be ironed. :-(:-(
CandyLoh loves
14 years ago 2
BabyGelaine's hair now ttm. Is much more neater and nicer compare to before. :-):-)
CandyLoh says
14 years ago 1
the time pass so slow.
CandyLoh says
14 years ago
alright,off to prepare and bring BabyGelaine for the hair cut session liao. :-)
CandyLoh says
14 years ago 5
later bringing BabyGelaine and SisterCarine to have their hair cut at Old Jurong West with my maid of the day.(LOL)(LOL)(LOL)(LOL)
CandyLoh says
14 years ago
Good morning and with the late afternoon everyone. :-):-) Back home in the morning of 6am and slept all the way till BabyGelaine wake me up.
CandyLoh has
14 years ago
just done shower not long with BabyGelaine and now going off for our ZOOOOO trip. BYE BYE EVERYONE.
CandyLoh says
14 years ago
wake up damn early just to prepare myself and BabyGelaine for the trip to zoooooooo
CandyLoh says
14 years ago 9
CandyLoh has
14 years ago
just create an event at FB for my birthday. People please accept and attend if you are free. :-)