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I just asked if I was being racist if I always jam out and dance to this song on my itunes when I visit Zaara's store: Daler Mehndi - Tunak Tunak Tun VideoThe response? :| apparently yes? But I love this song!
I'm a fan. This guy skates from the soul and it's beautiful. Doesn't matter what he places, he's got what can't be learned or faked. 2015 US Nationals - Joshua Farris SP NBC 2015 U.S. Nationals - Joshua Farris FS NBC
Things you don't really want to hear from your children.. http://i.gyazo.com/0585ce85023bda76bae866f95af7891b.png
Look at all these kind, beautiful people! Happy holidays! 54 Holiday Greetings Around The World: 54 Holiday Greetings Around The World
The end of the year wrap up started early! Let's party! Pop Danthology 2014