Caine 'Scrooge'
23Friends 16Fans
male Just don't like spanish in my profile, Venezuela, United States
I like to make mesh, I do it for fun and entertainment. I also like video games like League of Legends, World of Warcraft, Team Fortress 2.
Caine 'Scrooge'
10 years ago 14
hmmm, is there any good way about telling a friend they are getting with a total douche bag without seeming like a dick? >.>
Caine 'Scrooge'
10 years ago 1
Yanno when you have a dream about how you imagine your life to be in a few years then your ex shows up in it? Yeah that.....
Caine 'Scrooge'
10 years ago
Taric man mode ON - Summoner Showdown 2 : Bottom Lane
Caine 'Scrooge'
10 years ago 5
OMFG !!!! FAKER IS USING A SKIN!!! SKT IS USING HIS WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP SKINS!!!!!! *Squeals....* Now I must find my man card again >.>
Caine 'Scrooge'
10 years ago
anyone been having issues using gyazo with maya?
Caine 'Scrooge'
10 years ago 11
I see everyone complaining/mentioning anon plurks and what not... I havent gotten a single one... Ah, the hermit life ~
Caine 'Scrooge'
10 years ago
Leveling up a LoL from scratch in LAN (Latin America North) sucks balls.... My ping isnt even that good.
Caine 'Scrooge'
10 years ago
Yanno your country is a piece of shit when the security people of your school tells them to suspend classes cause of a lot of issues going on in the city... YAY weeks of no practical cooking class =_= Fuck it
Caine 'Scrooge'
10 years ago
Sword, axe, spear or hammer? Keep in mind a Norse mythology theme