Jay the Tensai
12Friends 9Fans
male tasikmalaya, Indonesia
I'm a Tensai !!!!
Jay the Tensai
14 years ago
Sings a song "Beautiful Girl wherever U re..." song by Josh Marichan
Jay the Tensai
14 years ago
Aya2 we kaka yg satu ni mah, ti singapure jauh" ka Manonjaya cuman pngen beli sate...
Jay the Tensai likes
14 years ago
¤Dream Theater¤ the Own Spirit..!!!
Jay the Tensai
14 years ago
"take me As I am.." Train of Throught-DT
Jay the Tensai
14 years ago
teriak... Oi..!!!
Jay the Tensai
14 years ago
G enak bdan blom tdur dri kmaren mlem...
Jay the Tensai
14 years ago
OL + Lagu OST PES 2010, Ajiiiiip
Jay the Tensai
14 years ago
Mending OS nu mn ny; XP, Vista atw 7?
Jay the Tensai
14 years ago
"The Future is Fusion" saur AMD...
Jay the Tensai
14 years ago
Ngdangukeun obrolan Uwa sreng re2ncangana, asa pakaulan taun 50an..