95Friends 398Fans
male Newcastle Upon Tyne, Great Britain (UK)
I'm someone..
Someone who wished that he could live a thousand years, even if it meant witnessing death of his loved ones and the end of the world.

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☆-A Thousand Miles
☆-Carlson Thow (ShioCarl) on Twitter
CaRLs0N wonders
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
What am I looking for, the person or their background. In other words, simply relationship or personal gain? Both are happiness, but what is truly?
CaRLs0N has
7 years ago
To thirst for success. The glory is for myself.
CaRLs0N says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
2017 Goals: Get admitted as an advocate and solicitor, build up reputation, social connections, and find the love of my life.
CaRLs0N says
7 years ago
For better or for worse, I have made it and attained my CLP. My future is secure.
CaRLs0N feels
7 years ago
So darn warm.
CaRLs0N hates
8 years ago
CaRLs0N has
8 years ago
been good this far, it's time to evolve once more. For the sake of present and a better tomorrow.
CaRLs0N says
8 years ago
Drawing lines are essential, someday, some point in life, only in few times we walk in grey. Those who doesn't make a stand point will eventually suffer in fate.
CaRLs0N says
8 years ago
As time goes by, I solidify myself. With the flow of time, my stance continues to gain grounds. Never to bow down against my nature.
CaRLs0N feels
8 years ago
Strange leaving the house surrounded by lots of people after being a hiki-NEET for a long time.