wonders 7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
What am I looking for, the person or their background. In other words, simply relationship or personal gain? Both are happiness, but what is truly?
To thirst for success. The glory is for myself.
says 7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
2017 Goals: Get admitted as an advocate and solicitor, build up reputation, social connections, and find the love of my life.
For better or for worse, I have made it and attained my CLP. My future is secure.
been good this far, it's time to evolve once more. For the sake of present and a better tomorrow.
Drawing lines are essential, someday, some point in life, only in few times we walk in grey. Those who doesn't make a stand point will eventually suffer in fate.
As time goes by, I solidify myself. With the flow of time, my stance continues to gain grounds. Never to bow down against my nature.
Strange leaving the house surrounded by lots of people after being a hiki-NEET for a long time.