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male Singapore
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back from school, who's here?
『TβĠ™』小Chiи, says
14 years ago 11
I just woke up,
『TβĠ™』小Chiи, says
14 years ago 2
I shall take a nap nao. Tonned yesterday. ><
『TβĠ™』小Chiи, says
14 years ago 1
calling a pot black can lead you into big trouble. So don't ever offend pots!
『TβĠ™』小Chiи, says
14 years ago 10
th leopard had alr changed its spots alr. He only wants t keep th fact that he had changed his spots from you. (lmao)
『TβĠ™』小Chiи, asks
14 years ago 9
who's here?
『TβĠ™』小Chiи, says
14 years ago 4
faking a smile,
『TβĠ™』小Chiи, says
14 years ago 2
playing rydahMS. :-D
『TβĠ™』小Chiи, says
14 years ago 1
HAHA. What a joke man.