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male Washington, DC, United States
The Competitive Enterprise Institute is a non-profit public policy organization dedicated to advancing the principles of free enterprise and limited government. We believe that individuals are best helped not by government intervention, but by making
CEI says
14 years ago
Hidden EU Analysis: Biofuels Can Produce More CO2 Emissions Than Fossil Fuels: Reuters reports that.. twurl.nl/8e4rng #tlot #tcot
CEI says
14 years ago
Parody Becomes Law: Crimes Against Homeless Become “Hate Crimes”; Hate-Crimes-Envy Spreads: Florida.. ping.fm/8HJKz #tlot #tcot
CEI says
14 years ago
The Excellent Powder — DDT: Today, many people celebrate Earth Day, and for most, that simply means.. twurl.nl/lgf5je #tlot #tcot
CEI says
14 years ago
Public Employee Unions’ Suffocating Grip on California: The current issue of the Manhattan Institut.. twurl.nl/q33b26 #tlot #tcot
CEI says
14 years ago
“A lie told often enough becomes the truth.”: In [dis]honor of the 140th anniversary since pinko pi.. twurl.nl/xndjr0 #tlot #tcot
CEI says
14 years ago
General Motors Repays Tiny Portion of Taxpayers’ $50 Billion Bailout; Obama Backers Bash Critics of.. twurl.nl/p4d8av #tlot #tcot
CEI says
14 years ago
“Basic needs” need to be regulated, say Dems: Reason’s Ron Bailey, in an “I told you so.. twurl.nl/1eozvu #tlot #tcot
CEI says
14 years ago
Foreign Aid is Wasteful: Recent World Bank Move Could Easily Make it Moreso: Robert B. Zoellick, .. twurl.nl/0600jv #tlot #tcot
CEI says
14 years ago
The End of Anti-Discrimination Discrimination?: Affirmative action proponents face a battle this Mo.. twurl.nl/4vacrs #tlot #tcot
CEI says
14 years ago
Earth Day Agriculture and Sustainable Intensification: What’s the most sustainable way to grow the .. twurl.nl/mdd0jy #tlot #tcot