黒執事 (ノ`⊿´)ノ
13Friends 14Fans
female World of Warcraft
My name is Kyoma , and I am prone to accidents ~ so yuu better stay the hell outta me !

Kidding ! I'm 16, and I welcomee you all to my profile!
Say HI to me in returnn! fuhahahah !!
you don'tt need to apologize, I'm losingg what I dontt deserve.
I've been hospitalized . :-))
Morning! zayn09radz here. :3
I will be goingg out for a bit.. Bye.
I just wanted the one i like to give somee attention to me.. :-( im sorry for being such a jerk. I'm sorry forr being so selfish... =(
I neverr wanted to be that meann.. I wasnt planning on sayingg that..!! I know it qas my fault.. Im sorry.. for being an asshole.. Sorry..
Errthing just doesnt makee sense! I am in so muchh pain right noww. Whyy was i born far from you anyway??!!
Bullshit!! My morning startedd bad todayy. Fuckk my life!! :-(
Am I that worthless to you huh? Sorry forr being that worthless thenn!