130Friends 153Fans
female Nashville, TN, United States
Busymom is
16 years ago 1
Tired. She slept fine. There is no good reason for her to be tired.
Busymom says
16 years ago 1
Veni Vidi Vlurkci - I came, I saw, I Plurked.
Busymom says
16 years ago 1
If you just read and don't write or respond, are you a Plurk Lurker?
Busymom asks
16 years ago 1
why she keeps coming back here.
Busymom wishes
16 years ago
it were easier to figure out what "view" you are in on Plurk.
Busymom feels
16 years ago 1
like Bob Dole referring to Busy Mom in the 3rd person with Plurk.
Busymom is
16 years ago
just discovering you can respond to Plurks. Busy Mom isn't too bright, sometimes.
Busymom will
16 years ago 1
need to do some actual work, eventually.
Busymom is
16 years ago 1
a plurking genius.
Busymom will
16 years ago
go get a Diet Coke here in a minute.