off to the shrink for multiple personality disorder. No we aren't. Yes we are!!!! Morning all enjoy your day!!
many people will walk in and out of your life however true friends will leave footprints in your heart! Afternoon all did ya enjoy your day?
sorry pillow sorry blanket we shall continue our conversation tonight too bad though was really enjoying your warm comfortableness!!
weekend what happened to you? Why do you always leave so quickly? Please hurry back!
there coming to take me away ha get out of my bloody way!!!!!
can hear voices in my wait, it's the gin calling from the kitchen!! Afternoon all mmmm is it the weekend yet??
the hardest part of doing nothing is knowing when your through. Mmmm one more day of work then the weekend...........yeah and enjoy ya day!!
a good friend would bail you out of jail but a great friend would be in there with you saying "Wasn't that a great night!?" Nite nite all!
i am so vain and yes this song is about ya can get over it Mick!!! After noon all!!!
found that life is all about damned if you do's and damned if you dont's! Cool what, enjoy your day!!