30Friends 44Fans
female Stockholm, Sweden
I knit and knit and knit.
Borntoknit has
15 years ago 4
spent the day painting a room pale blue-grey. I used an old-fashioned paint made with linseed oil and flour. It smells delicious! :-D
Borntoknit is
15 years ago 4
off to bed. The rest of the family is already asleep. But I´ve stayed up late to knit and read blogs. Goodnight (wave)
Borntoknit has
15 years ago 6
returned from holiday in Italy with a tan. Didn´t manage too much knitting on the beach, but had a lovely time!
Borntoknit has
15 years ago 6
packed for a sunny holiday in Italy. I´m praying that I´ll be allowed to bring my new wooden circular needle onboard the plane.
Borntoknit is
15 years ago 1
packing to go to Italy on Friday. Only two more days at work! But what knitting should I bring for the beach?
Borntoknit is
15 years ago 1
home. And waiting for my children and husband to return from the remote island. (dance)
Borntoknit is
15 years ago 2
off to work on her pink bike. See ya later!
Borntoknit is
15 years ago 5
having an early night. (wave)
Borntoknit is
15 years ago 3
going to sit outside in the sun and knit. Ah, bliss. B-)
Borntoknit is
15 years ago 3
home from work! Today I love my job. I have interviewed a really wonderful person. And the sun is shining (dance)