78Friends 96Fans
female Richmond, VA, United States
Knitter, Spinner, Gardener, Blogger, Raveler, Plurker, Redskins fan, Jill-of-all-trades, Gal-about-town, menace-to-society ;-)
On Ravelry I'm BloomKitty
BloomKitty says
15 years ago 9
Good Morning, Plurkers (wave)
BloomKitty says
15 years ago 5
good evening, Plurkers! (wave)
BloomKitty says
15 years ago 8
Mornin', Plurkers! (wave)
BloomKitty wonders
15 years ago 3
if it would be terribly wrong to start drinking martinis in the evening after work. I really want to try that Boston Cream Pie martini (mmm)
BloomKitty has
15 years ago
her sliding glass door open. It's 63ºF, doggone it! So what if the heat is also running! (evilsmirk)
BloomKitty asks
15 years ago
anyone with an iPhone having trouble connecting to the iTunes store right now?
BloomKitty says
15 years ago 2
Good Morning, Plurkers! (wave) How will you spend this lovely Sunday?
BloomKitty says
15 years ago 1
Seinfeld: The Marine Biologist. Yet another classic. "The sea was angry that day, my friend...".
BloomKitty says
15 years ago 2
man, you miss a few days of plurking and the little karma graph takes a serious plunge. Well, excuuuuuuse me, plurkarma, for having a job!
BloomKitty says
15 years ago 6
went to her first opera last night and LOVED it. (music) Don Giovanni is an excellent 1st opera. But you can't go wrong with Mozart. :-)