11Friends 158Fans
female Montandon, PA, United States
Currently I am learning how to professionally do piercings. I love learning but hate school. Currently I am stretching my ears, and as of now I have a 1/2(12mm). I'm shy, so give me some time to warm up to you. Feel free to ask whatever you wish.
Bleep says
12 years ago
moonwalking to nsync at 3:55am? sure why not
Bleep says
12 years ago
it only took two hours to clean my room, woo!
Bleep is
12 years ago
doing a bunch of maintenance on my mom's computer today. 8-) she still uses internet explorer
Bleep feels
12 years ago
better, but i still have a runny nose (sick)
Bleep says
12 years ago
good news though! my book is to be shipped out on the 17th of this month :-D
Bleep is
12 years ago 3
sick :-( someone make me soup?
12 years ago 3
Me at 7:54am: welp, I guess it's time for bed now, goodnight. Normal people: time to get up and start the day!
Bleep says
12 years ago 1
im being so inconsiderate right now, it's 5:30am and im laughing so hard, everyone is asleep and since the power went out the house is quiet
Bleep says
12 years ago 3
whoa whoa whoa... wait.. it's 6am already? i thought i had time to watch another episode of star trek :-(
Bleep says
12 years ago 3
i have a book coming in the mail :-D