72Friends 55Fans
female Danao City, Philippines
12 years ago 3
If you want to know where your heart is, look at where your mind goes when it wonder cuz who's in your mind is the one who is in your heart.
12 years ago 3
I might get attracted easily to another person but I cannot simply fall in love..because someone else had already taken my heart.<3myboo<3
12 years ago 3
Seeking help is not ignorance. It's an intellectual act that allows people to admit that some situations are not meant to be handled alone.
12 years ago 3
It's better to love someone who's far and craves to be with you than to love someone who's near yet, doesn't even care too see you. :-)
12 years ago 3
The happiest feeling ever is knowing that he could be with any other girl in the entire world but he chooses to be with you. :-)--lucky you.
12 years ago 3
I hate the way you smile. I hate those big brown eyes, because I know they're not for me. --sleeplessnight. :-( Stillpretendingit'salright!
12 years ago 3
You talked to me. I smiled. I laughed and everything I've ever hated about you was forgotten in an instant. --andIdon'tknowwhy :-(
12 years ago 3
I still have feelings for you and no matter how many times I tell myself that I'm better off without you, a part of me just won't let go. :-(
12 years ago 3
You're the first person I think about when I wake up in the morning; and the last I think about as I go to sleep at night. <3
12 years ago 2
Don't force them to love you. Force them to leave you and whoever insists to stay is the one who truly loves you.