We almost dieeeed! Yay for unstable ice!
So I'm to the point in studying where my thoughts are "If I don't know enough by now I was SOL from the beginning."
Roses are red, violets are blue, Jimmy Stewart is awesome, doo-dee-doo-dee-doo.
The sniffles, cramps, an overly sensitive stomach, and the need to study for finals T.T Talk about lack of motivation.
Estoy voy comer mis examenes finales.
Sorry for breakin' down in your class today, teach >< And despite my crying your jokes were hilarious. Hur.
Those silly bitches are up on DA, now. T.T Oh well.
OmgzItotallyfinisheditthankgodnowIcansubmittoDAmaybeidkifIwannadothatwe'llseebleeehhhh2hourdelays=<3 So sleepy. -.-