87Friends 117Fans
female Singapore
Shes currently in jail at JVSS(Jurongville) as Sec 1.
Her weight is currently 35kg and is 155cm tall.
She wishes tuhh be with him.
Luving arcade,him and all her frens always <33
14 years ago
Maybe i should eat ice cream to make me feel happier, and think of all the happy times rather than those sad times.
14 years ago
MAYBE after a sleep, i may forget all that, and i really wish i CAN, cause i dunwan to let them distract my mood tmr.
14 years ago
WTH. Everytime when something hurts me, all the other things start to hurt me too, and they all, pushed me to the bottom of my heart..
14 years ago
People always misunderstand me :-(
14 years ago
Sian. Dunno how to tell her..
14 years ago
Sorry, i didn't mean to make ue cry.. :-(
14 years ago
'Hi xiao jie smile' i LIKE THIS ! ^^
14 years ago
Trust :-(
14 years ago
Most of the time, i rather be misunderstood, than explaining, cause i know ue wont believe me, cause there's no trust at all.
14 years ago
Sorry if i hurt ue now, i dunwan ue hurt ue even more.