5Friends 4Fans
female Singapore
Im actually only 12.. unless i reach April 29.
-Rebecca-(: will
15 years ago
think of the answers soon...!!!! (highfive)
-Rebecca-(: thinks
15 years ago
she's mad. ^_^ Later have to do research...!! And art haven finish. Maths left 1 qn , sci left 2 qn and Geo left 1 qn dk how do.
-Rebecca-(: says
15 years ago
Heyyyooos!!! How are peeps doing??
-Rebecca-(: thinks
15 years ago
Heyos!! You rox <3
-Rebecca-(: thinks
15 years ago
: "The priceless love is to sacrifice." (tears)
-Rebecca-(: says
15 years ago
-Rebecca-(: says
15 years ago
Again,Thanks for everything that you've done... Like i said, i didnt expect these much from you... (music)
-Rebecca-(: says
15 years ago
Thanks for everything again. Thanks alot. You made my whole day from worse, worse , worse to WONDERFUL...!
-Rebecca-(: says
15 years ago
" When love comes to the end point, it becomes hate..."
-Rebecca-(: says
15 years ago
"The one that you love the most, hurt you the deepest eventually."