16Friends 7Fans
female North Pole, AK, United States
I have a great girlfriend. I have wonderful friends. I like purple. I work at Blockbuster. I love it to be friends with randoms. Talk to me until your outta breath.
16 years ago
Kizzah! I had a wonderful day. Norma Jean tickets i have! There coming to ALASKA! I am in such a bliss<3
16 years ago
Tonight im off to bed, tomarrow im off to change the world. Goodness im weird when im tired, but i like it. ;-)
Seamore wonders
16 years ago
What would happen if i decided to say how i feel or show people there is a human inside. I have opinions that i want to shout out and i will
Seamore is
16 years ago
I was thinking today i might try something new. Im usually a stand back watch everything happen kind of person but not today.