32Friends 34Fans
female Singapore
Barbecute wants
15 years ago
to hug God, if only God could be hugged (cozy)
Barbecute wants
15 years ago 2
to always look on the bright side :-D NeverShoutNever! - On the Brightside [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
Barbecute says
15 years ago 2
Life won't let us down. New volkswagen passat TV ad - positive thinking
Barbecute bilang
15 years ago
semua akan menjadi indah tepat pada waktunya....terima kasih Tuhan!
Barbecute rasa
15 years ago
kayak mau sakit... :-&
Barbecute says
15 years ago 3
she has only one hand,with no fingers,but she writes the most beautiful chinese calligraphy i've ever seen :-)
Barbecute is
15 years ago 9
considering becoming a vegetarian again... ;-)
Barbecute berbagi
15 years ago 6
Barbecute bilang
15 years ago 3
ga enak tau marah2 sendiri. Mending ngomong baik2.... :-D
Barbecute bilang
15 years ago 3
dasar anak kurang ajar. Apa perlu gw telponin orang tuanya sekalian biar sadar?????