40Friends 45Fans
female Miami, FL, United States
I'm a freelance copywriter with a background in PR. Love to read, write (obviously), travel and meet new people. Also want to practice my Portuguese (or 'Portanol') and Spanglish.
BarbBC says
16 years ago 3
Hi plurkers. Met a new client today so I'm in a good mood :-)
BarbBC says
16 years ago
Watching 30DC live Anyone else doing Thirty Day Challenge?
BarbBC says
16 years ago 3
to the parent who put pencil sharpeners (with exposed blades)in b-day goody bags for 4 y.o. kids... wake up! X-(
BarbBC asks
16 years ago 2
Would you GPS your kid's car? To track location and speed? These parents fighting son's speeding ticket with it...
BarbBC asks
16 years ago
Link builders? Know someone who has good experience doing link-building campaigns?
16 years ago 7
Hi plurkers (s_bye)
BarbBC asks
16 years ago 4
My dog has a death wish... he JUMPED OUT of the car while we were on a ramp to get on the highway.
BarbBC asks
16 years ago 2
"Bank Job" or "21"? Watching a DVD tonight. Which did you like better?
BarbBC likes
16 years ago 1
new "live preview" thingie under edit profile.
16 years ago
Damn, my cable went out and hubby's playing online poker tonight. Guess I'll be reading a book.